7+4 Routes to do with Children in the Valencian Community

Simple routes for children and seniors in Alicante

In a world where screens and technology dominate much of our daily lives, finding a moment to reconnect with nature is more important than ever. This is especially important for the youngest members of the family. The outdoor routes in the Valencian Community offer a unique opportunity for children and adults to immerse themselves in the natural world, a fundamental environment for their psychomotor and emotional development.

I’m Fernando, I’ve been hiking for more than 20 years in the Valencian Community and in this article I want to share with you some of the routes that I consider ideal to enjoy with your children a fantastic day in nature… Would you like to discover them?

Related: 50 Routes for all ages in Alicante.

Connecting with nature, basic from infancy

Inclusive route in El Hondo
Natural Park of El Hondo de Elx – Crevillent

Walking on trails surrounded by green landscapes and breathing fresh air is not only an exciting adventure for them, but also a vital tool for their growth. Through these routes, children learn to observe, to feel nature and to move in a different environment from the urban one. Each step along the way is a life lesson, a step towards a deeper connection with the world around them and with themselves. Respect and love for nature is one of the best lessons we can learn from an early age.

For all this, I invite you to discover some of the best routes to do with children in the Valencian Community. Places where adventure and learning go hand in hand, ideal to enjoy with the family. Let’s explore together, through paths that bring us closer to our natural spaces and away from the technological hustle and bustle, creating unforgettable memories and enriching experiences for our little explorers.


7 Routes with Children in the Valencian Community

1. La Marjal de Pego – Oliva

Marjal de Pego Natural Park - Oliva
Marjal Pego-Oliva Natural Park

This Natural Park shared between Valencia and Alicante is ideal to enjoy and learn with the family about the importance of wetlands to conserve our biodiversity. The park has several official marked trails, very easy and with almost no slopes. Some through wooden footbridges and others through dirt roads without difficulty. The Marjal is ideal for bird watching, so remember to bring your binoculars and talk quietly so as not to scare them away.

Be sure to take the opportunity to visit the historic center of Pego and other gems of the area, from enigmatic caves to charming gardens.

Route Marjal Pego – Oliva >>


2. Greenway of the Sea Oropesa / Benicàssim

Vía Verde del Mar, Castellón
Torre de la Corda (Greenway of the Sea)

The Vía Verde del Mar, a historical and natural route that links Benicàssim and Oropesa del Mar, in Castellón, is a jewel for those looking to enjoy nature and history with the family. This trail, once a railroad line, is now a perfect route to explore by bicycle, on foot or even with baby carriages, thanks to its safety and accessibility, as it is completely closed to motorized traffic.

Along its approximately 5.7 kilometers round trip (almost 12 km if you do it in its entirety), the Via Verde del Mar not only invites you to immerse yourself in a breathtaking Mediterranean landscape, but also to discover aunique historical legacy. The watchtowers, such as the Torre Colomera and the Torre de la Corda, both from the 16th century and declared Sites of Cultural Interest, are witnesses to the past and offer a window into the history of the region.

The route takes you through spectacular viewpoints, such as the Mirador Els Canons, which offers panoramic views of Playa Voramar. In addition, being a route parallel to the sea, it provides the opportunity to enjoy refreshing swims in beaches such as the Renegá or the nudist Torre Bellver.

The accessibility of the route makes it ideal for families with small children. It can be done in its entirety or in parts, adapting to the pace and energy of the little ones.

More information about this route >>


3. The Alcoy Greenway (Alicante)

The Alcoy Greenway - El Pont de les Set Llunes
The Alcoy Greenway – El Pont de les Set Llunes

The next route that I recommend you to do with your children is also a Greenway (old railway line), but this time it is located in the beautiful city of Alcoy, in the interior of the Costa Blanca. Thanks to the fact that the route is closed to traffic, it is also ideal to go with children, whether on foot, by bicycle or even with a baby stroller, as there is a paved lane (which you will share with bicycles).

Surrounded by a green and mountainous landscape, this greenway crosses tunnels and spectacular bridges, providing a unique experience where history and nature intertwine. The tour is long enough to make it complete, but you can do it in parts and then enjoy other gems of Alcoy, such as its historic center, its traditional festivals, its modernism or the Natural Parks that surround it… You will have to stay several days to see it all!

Discover the Alcoy Greenway >>


4. The Ecological Path of Calpe – Benissa

Ecological walk of Benissa
Viewpoint on the ecological promenade of Benissa, with views of the Peñón de Ifach.

Would you like to enjoy a simple trail overlooking the sea, passing by different coves and learning about the history and biodiversity of the Mediterranean coast? Then you just have to choose where on the coast between Calpe and Benissa (Alicante) you want to start this route, which has viewpoints, benches and picnic areas. You will also find nearby beach bars and beaches ideal to go with children, such as Cala Advocat in Benissa or Les Bassetes, between the municipalities of both towns. Keep in mind, however, that along the route there are several points with stairs, so on this occasion you will not be able to take your cart (or you will have to carry it on occasion).

Benissa Ecological Trail >>

Calpe Ecological Trail >>


5. The Chelva Water Route (Valencia)

Chelva Water Route - Santa Cruz Hermitage
Santa Cruz Chapel, Chelva

The interior of Valencia is dotted with small and charming villages such as Chulilla or Chelva, ideal for a weekend getaway in which to combine hiking trails with children, cultural visits, gastronomy and other activities. However, keep in mind that, due to their proximity to the city of Valencia, these towns tend to be quite crowded on weekends and holidays.

What will you find in the Water Route of Chelva? A beautiful tour that starts in one of the most important most beautiful old helmets of the Valencian Community and then leads you to the shores of the Tuéjar river through riparian forest areas, old hydraulic infrastructures, a tunnel that will add a little adventure to the route and even a bathing area (regulated) for the more daring (because the water is very cold).

Chelva Water Route >>


6. Montanejos Family Trail

Montajejos Family Trail, Castellón
Cueva Negra, Montanejos Family Trail

Watch out! Despite its name, this route is a little more difficult than the others I propose in my selection. In this case we are going to walk along mountain trails and it will be necessary to overcome a considerable and challenging slope for the children. That is why I recommend this route for older children, about 9 years old and up, although it all depends on whether they are used to it or not.

The reward for this difficulty is a beautiful route with several points of interest that will leave you open-mouthed: the Rufino shelter, the Cirat dam, the impressive Chillapájaros Strait or the amazing Black Cave. It is a circular route of about 5 kilometers long that can be done in one morning. And then finish with a relaxing dip in the Fuente de los Baños de Montanejos. Round plan!

Montanejos Family Trail >>


7. The Serpis Greenway

Serpis Greenway Route
The area of Racó del Duc, on the Serpis Greenway

Connecting the towns of L’Orxa (Alicante) and Villalonga (Valencia), this old railway line will immerse you in the spectacular gorge between mountains carved by the Serpis River. At the foot of the Serra de la Safor and on the banks of the river, the path winds through tunnels and old bridges, in a route that although long, is very accessible for any age. If you go with children they will love the adventure of going through the tunnels with their flashlight and bird watching in this Protected Landscape of the Valencian Community.

Serpis Greenway >>


Tips to enjoy the Routes with Children

Route of the Lighthouse of l'Albir with children
L’Albir Lighthouse Route

1. Be an example: Let them learn from you to visit nature with respect and affection for plants, animals and heritage.

2. Plan well: Choose routes appropriate to the age and stamina of your children. You know them better than anyone else and you know what they can and cannot do.

3. Bring snacks and water: Be sure to bring plenty of snacks and water to keep children hydrated and energized.

4. Dress appropriately: Wear comfortable clothing and footwear suitable for the weather and terrain.

Games and Adventures: Turn the tour into an adventure, creating games and looking for interesting natural elements.

6. Frequent Breaks: Take regular breaks to rest and enjoy the scenery.

7. Safety First: Keep children close by and teach them about the importance of following safety rules.

8. Sun Protection: Use sunscreen, hats and sunglasses to protect yourself from the sun.

9. Exploration and Education: Take the opportunity to teach children about nature and cultural heritage.

10. Patience and Flexibility: Be flexible and patient, adapting the route according to the needs and pace of the children.


More routes with children near Valencia

Puddles of Quesa, Valencia
Los Charcos de Quesa (Valencia)

The following routes and natural areas near Valencia are also ideal to enjoy with children, although bear in mind that on weekends and holidays they are usually closed. very crowded, so my advice is to visit them during the week to be able to appreciate them in a relaxed way and collaborating to their preservation:

L’Albufera de Valencia: the oldest Natural Park in the Valencian Community offers countless routes to learn with children about its biodiversity.

Route of the Hanging Bridges of Chulilla: a spectacular route along the banks of the Turia River, in the interior of Valencia.

Los Charcos de Quesa: a natural spot with natural pools and waterfalls, also in Valencia.

Bolbaite river: beautiful natural pools in the region of La Canal de Navarrés (Valencia).

Chorradores de Navarrés: a simple and beautiful trail in a lush landscape, with waterfalls (in the rainy season) and a stream.


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Buenas Prácticas

• Sigue siempre los senderos. Atajar daña el entorno.
• Respeta flora, fauna y entorno. Disfruta en Silencio.
• No dejes rastro de tu paso, tampoco restos orgánicos.
• Infórmate, Planifica y Equípate bien para disfrutar al máximo.
• Respeta el Patrimonio Cultural (ruinas, márgenes de piedra, etc).
• Respeta a otras personas y propiedades privadas.

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