The 7 best coves in Jávea / Xàbia: guide, location and accesses

Mejores Calas de Jávea, Cala Ambolo

Located in the north of the province of Alicante, in the Marina Alta region, the town of Jávea – Xàbia, in the local Valencian language – can boast what is probably the most beautiful stretch of coastline on the Costa Blanca in Alicante.

We are talking about a rugged and somewhat wild coastal strip, formed by imposing cliffs and beautiful coves with crystal clear waters. A coastline reminiscent of the north of Mallorca or the Catalan Costa Brava, without having anything to envy.

In this article we will know the best and most beautiful coves of Javea, will you join us to discover them? Stay until the end!

For more ideas: What to See and Do in Jávea / Xábia.

Best Coves in Jávea / Xàbia

1. La Granadella Cove

La Granadella Cove in Jávea / Xàbia

La Cala de la Granadella is not only one of the most beautiful coves of Javea, but of the whole province of Alicante. Located in the center of a small semicircular bay and protected from the swell by the Morro del CastellGranadella is a cove of pebbles with all the services (restaurants, lifeguard, water activities) but which, at the same time, is located in an idyllic natural environment, surrounded by small hills covered with lush vegetation. An ideal cove for snorkeling or enjoying one of the best kayaking routes in the world.
kayak routes
I did it with Siesta Advisor, which allows us to know the impressive and nearby sea caves or “secret coves”.

2. Ambolo Cove

Cala Ambolo, Jávea
Cala Ambolo, Jávea

Ambolo Cove
of Jávea is, in my opinion, the most beautiful cove of all those found on the coast of Jávea. Located very close to Cabo de la Nao, with its characteristic lighthouse, this cove is protected from the southeast winds by the Illa del Descobridor (Discoverer’s Island), which is separated from land by a narrow channel that can be crossed by kayak or small boats.

Unfortunately, Xàbia’s Ambolo Cove has been closed to the public for some years now, due to the risk of rocks falling from the surrounding cliffs.

Even so, it is possible to visit it thanks to this kayak excursion from Cala Granadella, a highly recommended activity to enjoy several secret corners of this area of the coast of Jávea.

3. Barraca Cove or Portitxol Cove

Cala Barraca / Cala Portitxol, Jávea / Xàbia

The Barraca Cove of Xàbia, also called Cala del Portitxol because it is located in front of the Portitxol Island, is one of the most beautiful and popular coves of Jávea. Like Cala Granadella, it has an easy road access (which is closed with a barrier when the parking spaces are full). It is also possible to access on foot, following a simple route from the Creu del Portitxol viewpoint.

In this cove, a popular destination for instagramers, we found a restaurant specializing in seafood, fresh fish and rice dishes. The Barraca cove and its surroundings, under the protection of Cap Negre, is ideal for snorkeling and kayaking or paddle surfing.

4. Sardinera Cove

Cala Sardinera de Jávea
Cala Sardinera de Jávea / Xàbia

The Cala Sardinera of Javea is located in the small bay that forms the Cap Prim on its northern slope, so this cove is ideal for days when the wind blows south / southeast, to be sheltered from them. It is a small cove of boulders (pebbles) which is accessed on foot by a path from the viewpoint of the Creu del Portitxol.

Unfortunately, this cove has become overcrowded in recent years as a result of the large number of boats anchoring in its waters, a fact that forced the City Council of Jávea to control anchoring in these waters, whose seabed is a high environmental value by the presence of grassland of oceanic posidonia.

5. Cala Blanca / La Caleta

Cala Blanca de Jávea

The Cala Blanca of Jávea is a very small cove in the shape of a horseshoe; almost a “natural swimming pool”. This beautiful cove gets its name from the color of the small cliffs that border it. Also known as Caleta de Fora, visiting this cove of Jávea we can also discover the nearby Caleta de Dins, for which we will have to cross two small tunnels in the cliff, following the path along the coast.

Ah! And do not leave Cala Blanca without taking advantage of the visit to know two of the 15 viewpoints of Xàbia: Cala Blanca and Caletes, which are accessed by stairs from the access point to the cove.

6. In Caló, the “secret cove” of Jávea

En Caló, la cala secreta de Jávea

The last cove on the list is“En Caló“, the so-called “secret cove” of Xàbia. To tell the truth, she is not very secret anymore, because in recent years her popularity has grown exponentially as a result of the countless photos that have appeared in social networks, newspapers and blogs. Of course, its beauty remains intact.

En Caló is a very small cove, whose entrance is protected by a huge rock detached from the cliffs that surround it. Access to this wildly beautiful cove is only possible by sea.

The safest way to get to know this wonder is to book an excursion guided by expert monitors like the one I explain in the following link:

7. Cova Tallada

La Cova Tallada Dénia / Jávea

Although it is not really a cove, we could not fail to mention the Cova Tallada in this article because it is one of the essential places to visit in Jávea / Xàbia. The Cova Tallada is an impressive sea cave located in the cliffs of the Marine Reserve of Cabo de San Antonio, in the municipality of Jávea. Find out how to get there and make your reservation (mandatory in season) in our guide:

Sustainable Tourism in Jávea

Map of Calas de Jávea

Activities in Jávea

Dinos si te ha gustado

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Buenas Prácticas

• Sigue siempre los senderos. Atajar daña el entorno.
• Respeta flora, fauna y entorno. Disfruta en Silencio.
• No dejes rastro de tu paso, tampoco restos orgánicos.
• Infórmate, Planifica y Equípate bien para disfrutar al máximo.
• Respeta el Patrimonio Cultural (ruinas, márgenes de piedra, etc).
• Respeta a otras personas y propiedades privadas.

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